Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Follow the White Rabbit Check Presentation

Check Presented to the Tecumseh Public Schools Art Program
The proceeds from the Second Annual Follow the White Rabbit Art Show was presented to the Tecumseh Art Program in the form of a check on Monday. The check was enthusiastically accepted by art teacher Jennifer Cox and several of her art students. Shop owner Lisa Keel and art student Rebecca Kelly playfully exaggerate the occasion in this photograph. The proceeds will assist in purchasing art supplies for the students; encouraging our emerging artists!

We look forward to future Follow the White Rabbit art shows to continue our support of future and current artists.

Lisa gets a Mini!

Main Entry: 1. mini. noun. :something small of its kind: as a: MINICAR :a very small automobile.
LISA's new love... her brand new Mini Cooper.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Featured Artist Charles Spillers

After the success of the celebrated annual Follow the White Rabbit Art Show, the Floral Gallery is now implementing a bi-monthly featured artist program. A new local or regional artist will be spotlighted within the store every two months, with all artwork for sale to the public. Many talented artists of all different mediums call the Tecumseh and Shawnee areas their home. The Featured Artist at the Floral Gallery is yet another way for those artists to be recognized, given the exposure needed to succeed, and at the same time bring amazing artwork into the community.

Current Featured Artist Charles Spillers

above: "Tiger and the Wolf" oil and acrylic on canvas by Charles Spillers.

A native Oklahoman, Charles spent more than twenty years in the Navy and fifteen in law enforcement. After retirement from his extensive careers he was able to become more serious about developing his talent for art. He began taking classes in Shawnee, then at Seminole State College. An award winner in multiple regional art shows, Charles is skilled in many styles and subjects, as well as many different mediums.

Artwork by Charles Spillers is currently on display at the Floral Gallery at 701 N. Broadway in Tecumseh and will remain up throughout the months of September and October.

For more information about Charles Spillers or the featured artist program at the Floral Gallery please contact us at (405) 598-5234.